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The West Michigan Shoreline Food Processing Association seeks to connect West Michigan’s existing Food Processing Industry from “farm to table” by taking a holistic approach to link farmers, food processors, state and local government, and economic development officials with the resources, infrastructure, new markets, and educational institutions that are able to train the current and future workforce. We strive to achieve “triple bottom line” enhancements including regional economic growth, environmental sustainability, and social indicators as reflected in the West Michigan Regional Dashboard.


  • Promote the development of food processing infrastructure that leads to community growth

  • Link key educational resources within the region to ensure a properly trained food processing workforce of tomorrow 

  • Support the development of food processing related incubators and accelerators to ensure food processing sector growth

  • Link logistic suppliers and resources to the food processing industry to ensure a sustainable and ample supply chain at all times 

  • Promote a philosophy that the food processing industry is grounded in sustainability principles   

Who We Are

The West Michigan Shoreline Food Processing Initiative was established in October 2017 with support from the Consumers Energy Foundation in cooperation with the Community Foundation of Muskegon County, the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County, and many other organizations all committed to “planting the seeds of connectivity” throughout West Michigan.

Our Goal

Bundle existing local agriculture attributes with the benefits of expanding regional food processing capabilities. Position the results in a location to thrive. Food processing in Michigan has the potential for rapid growth especially in "Future Food" healthy processing and export markets.


Our Vision

There is a strong base of agricultural and food processing related activity throughout Michigan and West Michigan to include location and establishment of food processing operations, education training, and product development and incubation. What is missing is a holistic view of the sector to include alignment and integration of synergistic strategies and opportunities.


In addition, the positive results of growing the industry can become a basis for addressing economic challenges in the region. Michigan’s 300 agricultural commodities can supply products for natural food providers, ready-to-eat products, and private label markets. New opportunities exist for raw products and healthy processed foods that will drive economic growth.

American food products are highly sought in international markets because of their quality and safety. In addition, food products produced using renewable energy and healthy processed are marketing trends with growth potential that matches Michigan’s ability to meet this demand.

Source:  MDARD


Why West Michigan?

West Michigan is home to one of Michigan’s principal agricultural regions with over 9,000 farms in the surrounding area. With a long history of food processing, the region is a prime location for expanding and growing the sector. With its many attributes and central location, is positioned to become a principal location for:

  • Strategic access to prime fruit and vegetable growers and proximity to other agricultural suppliers.

  • Access to underutilized waste water treatment capacity.

  • Michigan’s fresh water capacity.

  • Michigan’s growing renewable energy sector.

  • Logistic and distribution attributes — Western Michigan’s largest commercial deep water port with easy access to rails and highways. Potential Cross Lake Shipping provides direct links to western U.S. and Asian markets.

How It Will Work

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  • Lead development of a “shovel ready” food processing industrial park

  • Identify existing or potential locations for developing the food processing industrial park

  • Identify and link supply chain from “farm to table”

  • Identify target industries who plan to expand within North American or export markets

  • Link to education partners including Michigan State University, Muskegon Community College, and others

  • Identify labor pool needs with focus on youth and veterans

  • Lead development of product development and incubation center of excellence

  • Link existing “kitchens” in Muskegon and other locations in region for product development

  • Connect start-up food processors to incubator space where food innovation counselors assist in development and commercialization of high-value products

  • Set up collaboration with culinary programs to locate test restaurant incubator for graduating chefs

  • Promote Port of Muskegon as key agriculture port

  • Assist development of Cross Lake Shipping service for new market growth

  • Assist with development of increased rail and shipping capacity for supply chain for a regional food processing cluster

  • Assist with establishment of food hub and distribution networks

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The West Michigan Shoreline Food Processing Association was officially launched on October 30, 2017 with an initial team of expert consultants led by Marty Gerencer, Principal of Morse Marketing Connections and an expert in the food processing industry. Other consultants include experts in food processing education, site consulting, economic development, and international business development. The team of experts include:

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Executive Director

Based in Muskegon, Michigan, Morse Marketing Connections, LLC is a business consulting firm for food companies....

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Digital Media Producer

Brian works with WMFPA through Griffin Media & Design to create and manage association media and content.


The West Michigan Food Processing Association's associated tax forms can be found here.

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