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The West Michigan Shoreline Food Processing Association seeks to connect West Michigan’s existing Food Processing Industry from “farm to table” by taking a holistic approach to link farmers, food processors, state and local government, and economic development officials with the resources, infrastructure, new markets, and educational institutions that are able to train the current and future workforce. We strive to achieve “triple bottom line” enhancements including regional economic growth, environmental sustainability, and social indicators as reflected in the West Michigan Regional Dashboard. Our Vision for Success is to be holistic, supportive, and a catalyst for growth.

The focus is building capacity for additional food processing in West Michigan.

The focus is on enhancing the job training, product development, and incubation programs in West Michigan.

Future Food
The focus is on trends in the 21st Century focused on producing healthier, clean label foods, as well as, sustainable practices including energy, packaging, and waste.

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